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Writer's picturebeccaheeley

Chocolate Twist

Twirls of puff pastry and chocolate spread.

I’m not entirely sure if this can be classed as baking, mainly because I did not make my own puff pastry or chocolate spread, so really there was no skill in it at all. I didn’t make this with the idea of doing some baking, I just wanted something to make with the leftover puff pastry that I had. After browsing the internet for a recipe, I finally settled for a chocolate twist.

This recipe is very simple. You lay out the puff pastry and then spread a layer of chocolate spread over the pastry, leaving an inch border around the spread. You then roll it up, spread on the inside. Then, you cut two slits up the roll, so you have three strands. Then you plait them, the same way you would plait hair. Then make sure both ends are securely pressed down together. Then, all that leaves it the baking.

Now the recipe I used said to wait until it was cooled after baking until you ate it, but in my view trying something when its freshly baked and warm is when it tastes the best (e.g. with cookies, cupcakes and brownies). I did leave it slightly, as I didn’t want to burn my tongue on the oil that was coming from the pastry, but I still had to try it when it was warm and it was so lovely. It’s a very simple thing to make (if you use pre-made pastry and spread) and tastes so good. I think it’s the perfect cold-for-breakfast item or warmed up for an after-dinner treat. Also, I was so looking forward to trying some that I forgot to take a photo when it came out and even only remembered once I had eaten half of it.


Difficulty level: 1/10



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