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Writer's picturebeccaheeley


Honeycomb is one of those sweets that I always avoided as a child because the look of it scared me, and the flavour didn't do much for me either. But I recently tried and really liked it, so thought why not try to make some myself.

It is such a simple recipe, I don't think they get much simpler than this. Three ingredients is all it takes: sugar, golden syrup and bicarbonate of soda. Now, I say it's simple, but it did take me three attempts to get it right. I followed a Nigella Lawson recipe and it was very basic and not too easy to follow. She said to mix the sugar and golden syrup on the heat until it bubbled, but it didn't tell you (and which I found out after looking at other recipes) that you need to let it bubble on a low heat rather than going on high, which is how I tried it the first time. My first attempt turned to be a sticky mess with no bubbles in the mixture whatsoever. The second attempt had some bubbles and was a better colour, so looked more promising, but then it didn't set. So, that's when I decided to leave Nigella behind and follow someone else's recipe and that worked much better and on my third attempt it had set fully and cracked off into pieces.

So, all in all, it is a simple recipe to make, and is one of those things that works well in other baked goods, such as an ice-cream topping or flavour. It's very good for decoration as a cake topping or even wedged on top of a freakshake.


Difficulty rating: 1/10



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